

单词 nigga nod

nigga nod


Alternative forms

  • nigga-nod
  • nigga's nod
  • Negro nod


nigga nod (plural nigga nods)

  1. an affectionate nod of respect shared between two black people, which goes down>up>down instead of up>down>up
    • 2004 Post-9/11, African American Style: Laughter, Still Da Best Medicine by Freddy Cee, page 35
      Inside the room were three African American males sitting, waiting, and thumbing through various magazines. They looked up at me briefly without saying a single word before resuming their reads. I didn't get a hello, a how you doing, a what's up, or what's happening. Not so much as a nigga's nod. So much for either hospitality or congeniality.
    • 2012 Pym by Mat Johnson, page 12
      I gave him the nigga-nod and he hit me right back so I knew we were cool
    • 2015 Luv Alwayz: The Opposite Sex and Relationships page 271
      "How you feeling?" Roxy asked from the couch. "I'm okay," Stephen answered, giving Roxy the Negro nod of acknowledgment.




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