

单词 ngoro


See also: ngɔ́rɔ́




  1. three



Hinde (1904) records -ngorro as an equivalent of English heart in “Jogowini dialect” of Kikuyu[1].


  • IPA(key): /ᵑɡɔ̀ɾɔ́ꜜ/
As for Tonal Class, Armstrong (1940) classifies this term into mbori class which includes mbũri, ikinya (pl. makinya), itimũ, kĩhaato, maguta, mbembe, mũgeka, mũrata, nyaga, ũhoro, riitho, riũa, rũrĩmĩ, Kamau (man's name), etc.[2] Benson (1964) classifies this term into Class 3 with a disyllabic stem, together with kĩhaato, mbembe, kiugo, and so on.[3]
  • (Kiambu)
  • (Limuru) As for Tonal Class, Yukawa (1981) classifies this term into a group including bũrũri (pl. mabũrũri), ikara, ikinya, itimũ, kanitha (pl. makanitha), kiugo, kĩhaato, maguta, mũgeka, mũkonyo, mũrata, mwana, mbembe, mbũri, nyaga, riitho, riũa, rũrĩmĩ (pl. nĩmĩ), ũhoro (pl. mohoro), and so on.[4]


ngoro class 9/10 (plural ngoro)

  1. heart[5]
  2. mind, heart
    Gatitũ ka ngoro gatirĩmanagwo.
    The grove of heart does not get cleared.
  3. chest
    Synonym: gĩthũri
    Ũrĩ ithe ndaringagwo ya ngoro.
    One who has his own father does not get beaten on the chest.

Derived terms


  • gatitũ ka ngoro gatiunagwo; gatitũ ka ngoro gatiunanagĩrwo
  • gĩthũmba gĩtirĩ mũrimũ wa ngoro
  • kĩrĩ ngoro gĩtihootaga
  • kĩronda kĩa mwene gĩtimũiragia ngoro
  • mũrĩĩu ndarĩ kĩa ngoro
  • mũthua (na) ngoro ti mũthua (na) kũgũrũ
  • mwĩgerero wa ngoro ndũkinyaga
  • ngoro itiumanĩire/itiumanĩrĩire ta marima ma huko
  • ngoro itiumanĩire ta njĩra
  • ngoro ĩrĩĩaga kĩrĩa yenda
  • ngoro nĩ mũtitũ mũtumanu na ndũngĩtonyeka nĩ mũndũ
  • ũta(a)na wa ngĩa ũ(ũ)ragĩra ngoro
  • ũtarĩ ndarĩ ngoro


  1. Hinde, Hildegarde (1904). Vocabularies of the Kamba and Kikuyu languages of East Africa, pp. 3031. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  2. Armstrong, Lilias E. (1940). The Phonetic and Tonal Structure of Kikuyu. Rep. 1967. (Also in 2018 by Routledge).
  3. Benson, T.G. (1964). Kikuyu-English dictionary. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  4. Yukawa, Yasutoshi (1981). "A Tentative Tonal Analysis of Kikuyu Nouns: A Study of Limuru Dialect." In Journal of Asian and African Studies, No. 22, 75123.
  5. Muiru, David N. (2007). Wĩrute Gĩgĩkũyũ: Marĩtwa Ma Gĩgĩkũyũ Mataũrĩtwo Na Gĩthũngũ, pp. 11, 34.




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