

单词 New Beige

New Beige



Apparently a pronunciation spelling based on the speech of Portuguese immigrants.

Proper noun

New Beige

  1. (informal) A nickname for New Bedford, Massachusetts.
    Coordinate term: Fall Reeve
    • 1999 September 25, Everyones[sic] Little Skin Sister, “i ask, you answer”, in alt.skinheads.moderated, Usenet:
      New Bedford aka Lil Portugal.. aka New Beige... it's in Massachusetts.
    • 2004 September 10, nantuckets finest, “From Pat Buchanan.......”, in rec.music.gdead, Usenet:
      >Surely you can find decent chourico in Rhode Island, no?
      Only the part of RI that is close to Fall River and New Beige....
    • 2008 December 9, Jan Brogan, Teaser (Hallie Ahern Mysteries), Macmillan, →ISBN, LCCN 2008028964, OCLC 223884327, page 145:
      According to a listing I found on the Web, the company actually has a warehouse and retail store in New Beige.
    • 2011 July 1, Randall Peffer, Old School Bones, Simon and Schuster, →ISBN:
      His father says the races have been mingling in New Bej since the whaling days.
    • 2019, Maggie L.N. Felisberto, quoting Millicent Borges Accardi, “Kale Soup and the Portuguese-American Soul: The Work of Millicent Borges Accardi”, in Christopher Larkosh, editor, Luso-American Literatures and Cultures Today (Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies; 32), Tagus Press (UMass Dartmouth), →ISBN, OCLC 1121080906:
      New Beige, a place where half/ of the hell of this city don’t even speak.

Alternative forms

  • New Bej




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