

单词 Nevuary




Blend of never + January or blend of never + February.

Proper noun


  1. Synonym of Neveruary ((humorous) never)
    • 1994, Ciaran Carson, First Language: Poems:
      That's the Twelfth of Nevuary, man — like, Oh, Zero, Nought, Nix.
    • 2000, Caleen Sinnette Jennings, Inns and Outs: Six Short Plays, Dramatic Publishing (→ISBN), page 75:
      The Bard and I would have written poetry back and forth from now till nevuary. It was your picture that got him here.
    • 2006, The Fader:
      Over the course of the day, Pusha has become increasingly evangelical about the merits of Hell Hath No Fury. It goes beyond the Yo, cop my album, droppin Nevuary 23rd rhetoric and goes into near fanatical obsession.
    • 2020, Mitchell Jackson, Survival Math: Notes on an All-American Family, Scribner (→ISBN), page 265:
      Thursday rolled around and I was clinging to the hot thin hope that I could meet what my editor confirmed as my capital-D Drop-Dead due date, AKA the one that, if missed, would mean a pub date pushed to what might as well be Nevuary, []




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