

单词 Anno Domini

Anno Domini

See also: anno domini and anno Domini


Alternative forms

  • anno domini
  • anno Domini


Borrowed from Medieval Latin annō Dominī (in the year of the Lord) from the word annō (in the year) the ablative of annus (year) + Dominī (of the Lord) the genitive of Dominus (the Lord).


Anno Domini (not comparable)

  1. In the year of our Lord (often abbreviated A.D. or AD).
    • 1620 — Mayflower Compact
      In Witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Cape Cod the eleventh of November, in the Reign of our Sovereign Lord, King James of England, France and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth. Anno Domini, 1620.
    • 1859, Charles Dickens, “Book the Second”, in A Tale of Two Cities, London: Chapman and Hall, [], OCLC 906152507:
      The scene was Mr. Cruncher’s private lodging in Hanging-sword-alley, Whitefriars: the time, half-past seven of the clock on a windy March morning, Anno Domini seventeen hundred and eighty.

Usage notes

  • See AD.


(in the year of our Lord):

  • AD (A.D., A. D., a.d.)
  • CE: Common Era or Christian Era
  • in the year of our Lord, in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ


(in the year of our Lord):

  • BC (B.C., bc): Before Christ
  • BCE: Before Common Era or Before Christian Era


See also

  • Anno Hegirae
  • Wikipedia discussion of style




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