rotational current tray
tray: rotational current tray
(多指逗人笑) bull
(多次精细修改) be polished again and again; be revised and rewritten many times; be highly finished
(多用于否定式,比喻摆脱困境) get out of a predicament or an embarrassing situation:
(多用于外国议会) parliamentary groups:
(多种多样) extremely; incomparably:
(多而杂乱) numerous and confused:
(多费的冤枉功夫) roundabout way [course]; detour:
(夜宵儿) midnight snack
(夜间巡逻) night patrol
(夜间) at night; in the nighttime
(够不上) fall short of; fail to reach:
(够标准; 实在) well-done; thorough; up to standard:
(大乱后遗留下来的人民) survivors of a great upheaval
(大人和孩子) adults and children:
(大伙)all; everybody; all the world and his wife:
(大体上) considering everything; all things considered; on the whole:
(大体上) on the whole; in the main
(大写印刷体) block letters; blockwriting
(大半) the great half
(大厅) (of a government office)
(大学的讲师或教授) praelector; prelector
(大小姐) first young lady
(大怒) terribly (angry):
(大搞) in a big way:
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更新时间:2025/3/10 12:42:44