

单词 mũtĩ



Alternative forms

  • mti


From Proto-Bantu *-tí.[1] Cognate to Kikuyu mũtĩ.[1]


  • IPA(key): /mòté/[1]


mũtĩ (plural mĩtĩ)

  1. (Machakos) tree


  1. Clements, George N. and Kevin C. Ford (1979). "Kikuyu Tone Shift and Its Synchronic Consequences", p. 187. In Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 179210.
  • Yukawa, Yasutoshi (1982). "A Tentative Tonal Analysis of Kamba Nouns", p. 104. In Journal of Asian and African Studies, No. 23, pp. 91118.



From Proto-Bantu *-tí.[1] Cognate to Kamba mũtĩ.[1]

Hinde (1904) records muti (pl. miti) as an equivalent of English tree in “Jogowini dialect” of Kikuyu, listing also “Ulu dialect” (spoken then from Machakos to coastal area) of Kamba muti (pl. mitino), “Nganyawa dialect” (spoken then in Kitui District) of Kamba mti and Swahili mti (pl. miti) as its equivalents[2].


  • IPA(key): /mòtě/[1]
As for Tonal Class, Armstrong (1940) classifies this term into mote class which includes gĩkwa (pl. ikwa), gĩthaka, kĩnya, kĩrũũmi, mũcinga, mũgate, mũhaka, mũrũthi, njagĩ, njohi, nyũmba, etc.[3] Benson (1964) classifies this term into Class 2 with a monosyllabic stem.
  • (Kiambu)
  • (Limuru) Yukawa (1981) classified this term into a group including kahiũ,[4] which Yukawa (1985) merges to another group including mũka, ngitĩ, mwĩrĩ, kĩroboto, nyũmba, and so on.[5]


mũtĩ class 3 (plural mĩtĩ)

  1. tree[3][6][7]
    gĩtinainĩ kĩa mũtĩ - at the base of a tree
  2. stick[6]
  3. arrow shaft[6]
  4. (plural only) herbal medicine[6]


  • (tree): igoko/ikoni, rũhonge, ithangũ


  • (arrow shaft): mũguĩ

Derived terms


  • mũtĩ-mũirũ class 3


  • mũikari mũtĩ gĩtina nĩwe ũĩ kĩrĩa thambo ĩrĩaga
  • tiga kuonia ngarĩ kũhaica mũtĩ


  • gĩtĩ class 7

See also


  • mbegũ, ihũa, itunda
  • mũtitũ, gatitũ
  • rũbaũ, mũgogo, rũkũ, rũtungu


  • njũgũma, rũthanju, thimbũ, mũthĩgi

(herbal medicine):

  • ndawa, mũthaiga


  1. Clements, George N. and Kevin C. Ford (1979). "Kikuyu Tone Shift and Its Synchronic Consequences", p. 187. In Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 179210.
  2. Hinde, Hildegarde (1904). Vocabularies of the Kamba and Kikuyu languages of East Africa, pp. 6061. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  3. Armstrong, Lilias E. (1940). The Phonetic and Tonal Structure of Kikuyu. Rep. 1967. (Also in 2018 by Routledge).
  4. Yukawa, Yasutoshi (1981). "A Tentative Tonal Analysis of Kikuyu Nouns: A Study of Limuru Dialect." In Journal of Asian and African Studies, No. 22, 75123.
  5. Yukawa, Yasutoshi (1985). "A Second Tentative Tonal Analysis of Kikuyu Nouns." In Journal of Asian and African Studies, No. 29, 190231.
  6. tĩ” in Benson, T.G. (1964). Kikuyu-English dictionary, p. 453. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  7. Muiru, David N. (2007). Wĩrute Gĩgĩkũyũ: Marĩtwa ma Gĩgĩkũyũ Mataũrĩtwo Na Gĩthũngũ, pp. 11, 33.




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