

单词 mushrump




mushrump (plural mushrumps)

  1. (archaic) Mushroom, fungus.
    • 1598, John Florio, A Worlde of Wordes, or Most Copious, and Exact Dictionarie in Italian and English, London: Edward Blount, p. 47,
      Bozzacchio, an acorne. Also a puffe or mushrump full of dust.
    • 1610–1611 (date written), William Shakespeare, “The Tempest”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, OCLC 606515358, [Act V, scene i]:
      [...] you, whose pastime
      Is to make midnight-Mushrumps, that reioyce
      To heare the solemne Curfewe [...]
    • 1626, Ovid, “Book VII”, in George Sandys, transl., Ovid’s Metamorphosis Englished [], London: [] [By William Stansby], OCLC 960102937, page 136:
      [M]en, if Fame ſay true, / Here at the firſt from ſhower-rayſd muſhrumps grew, [...]
  2. (archaic, derogatory, sometimes attributively) Upstart, a person who has quickly and undeservedly gained their position, power or wealth.
    • 1594 (first publication), Christopher Marlow[e], The Trovblesome Raigne and Lamentable Death of Edvvard the Second, King of England: [], London: [] [Eliot’s Court Press] for Henry Bell, [], published 1622, OCLC 837836359, (please specify the page):
      So shall we haue the people of our side,
      Which for his fathers sake leane to the king,
      But cannot brooke a night growne mushrump,
      Such a one as my Lord of Cornewall is [...]
    • 1606, John Day, The Isle of Gulls, London, Act I, Scene 1,
      You Court spaniell, you vnnecessarie mushrump, that in one night art sprung out of the roote of greatnes [...]
    • 1610, John Healey (translator), Epictetus His Manuall, London: E. Blunt & W. Barret, Chapter 29, p. 34,
      Oh here is a mushrump Phylosopher! shotte vppe since yesterday:
    • 1636, John Trussel, A Continuation of the Collection of the History of England, London: Ephraim Dawson, “The Life and Raigne of King Edward the Fift,” p. 213,
      [...] if these Vpstarts and mushrump nobles, were but permitted to bee about the Kings Person in his youth, they would afterwards by that meanes so purchase his favour, that they would become so powerfull, when hee should attaine to maturitie of yeares, that all the Honours, Possessions, and lines of the ancient Nobilitie of this Realme would bee in danger, to bee subject to their wills [...]




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