

单词 m*therfucker




m*therfucker (plural m*therfuckers)

  1. (vulgar, humorous, derogatory) Censored spelling of motherfucker.
    • 1996 December 31, Jack Mingo, “Innocent Bystander”, in misc.writing, Usenet, retrieved 2022-07-31:
      Dear friends,
      We in the bowels of the politburo of m.w have devised the soft-answer strategy to those who blunder into our beloved group to post sensitive love poetry, dark teen angst, pointless short stories, and the like.
      That strategy is partly the result of our inherent niceness because we are, as you know, "The Nicest Darned Group in the Whole Danged Usenet." (tm). However, some of the strategy is because of its effectiveness, as well. One soft answer can cut an entire mean critique/defensive answer thread like this one from going any farther.
      Sure, it's good fun to poke at someone else's writing, but it's also too easy and somebody might get their vowels poked out. Worst of all, a new person wandering in might see the spectacle and decide that m.w is REALLY "The Meanest M*therfuckers in the Whole Damn*d Usenet!" (tm). Depending on their intentions, they'll either leave (if looking for thoughtful, supportive folks) or join fullblast into the "fun" (if a flamer). Either way, it's our loss.
      So be kind, be gently insistent, be informative...but please no shotguns aimed at the sensitive poets.
      Jack ("The Soft Answer: Jesus suggested it, I support it, end of discussion" [tm]) Mingo
    • 2004 May 31, car...@seancarneyband.com, “anyone care to guess the guitarist (it's not ronnie earl)”, in bit.listserv.blues-l, Usenet, retrieved 2022-07-31:
      Good to see Wild Jimmy Spruill mentioned on the 'L. I've been hanging with one of his comtemporaries lately, Bo Diddley, Jr. who is one bad m*therfucker! Bo's guitar work is heavily influence by Wild Jimmy. Of course, he has been and will most likely continue to be overlooked in favor of long haired guys in cowboy boots with high tech pedals and artificially aged guitars.
    • 2014 April 12, John Kennerson, “ACCEL Performance Group wants to SCREW YOU!!!”, in alt.autos, Usenet, retrieved 2022-07-31:
      Want to F*CK up your motor buy some ACCEL fuel injectors. These pieces of SH*T are absolutely JUNK! Managers like Elie Nahed, Steve Mashek, and Abe Del-Rio know all about them but are just pushing sales and F*CKING up peoples engines the B*STARDS! Boycott these M*THERFUCKERS!!! They're Liars and deny they gotta a problem! Want some more sh*t buy their COP's and put that crap on your motor! google is full of people that ACCEL Performance group has literally SCREWED! Buyer BEWARE!!!




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