

单词 moustachey




moustachey (comparative more moustachey, superlative most moustachey)

  1. Alternative form of moustachy
    • 1873 July 16, The Office Boy’s Mother at Wimbledon Camp, volume XIII, London: [] the Proprietor, page 129:
      And they walk about with towels round their heads, and their lips and chins moustachey, beardy, and hairy;
    • 1936, Brian Stuart, Adventure in Algeria, London: Herbert Jenkins Limited, page 131:
      Monsieur le Maire was most gracious, most beaming and very moustachey.
    • 1970 January 31, “Learning to buck the stream: Richard Bourne assesses the achievement of a trail-blazing school”, in The Guardian, page 11:
      At one moment he is complaining that model Normans do not have the authentic haircuts and “moustachey dos,” at another he is explaining how old stones left on the site are a godsend for measuring and geology;
    • 2014, Candice Fox, Hades, published 2015, page 154:
      I was about to spew some abuse over my shoulder when I noticed Captain James standing by the door to the smoker’s balcony, admiring our apparent camaraderie with a moustachey smile.




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