

单词 motorboard




motor + board


motorboard (plural motorboards)

  1. The mount that holds the motor on a record player.
    • 1935, John Francis Rider, Perpetual Trouble Shooter's Manual - Volume 12, page 236:
      In order to align this receiver for I.F. the four wood screws holding the motorboard to the cabinet will have to be removed.
    • 1957, Alfred Powell Morgan, The boys' second book of radio and electronics, page 224:
      Home-made rubber washers act as shock absorbers and prevent vibrations of the motor from being transmitted to the motorboard and so reaching the pickup.
    • 1975, Consumer guide--the best of high fidelity equipment, page 134:
      The fixed operating speeds of 33 1/3 and 45 rpm are selected by a sliding plate on the motorboard that shifts the neoprene belt to the required diameter of the motor shaft.
  2. A circuit board that controls one or more motors.
    • 2009, Achim Gottscheber, ‎Stefan Enderle, ‎& David Obdrzalek, Research and Education in Robotics -- EUROBOT 2008, →ISBN:
      Each Motorboard is able to control six motors and to read in their sensory information.
    • 2012, O. C. Ferrell & ‎John Fraedrich, Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making & Cases, →ISBN:
      For instance, employees were using computers powered by motorboard batteries and stocking shelves in the same way as they had done for the past 15 years.
    • 2013, Joe Kerr & ‎Andrew Gibson, London From Punk to Blair, →ISBN, page 276:
      This is the urban beach in a complexity of tide flows and appearances. I am a storm bath with a nervous motorboard.
  3. A motorized surfboard or scooter.
    • 1948 June 14, “Loafer's surfboard”, in Life Magazine, volume 24, number 24:
      Inventor Gilpin risks new suit to show off his new motorboard.
    • 1969 January, “Jet Board Corporation”, in MotorBoating, volume 123, number 1, page 371:
      The Motorboard's throttle may be operated from a sitting, prone or standing position and will shut off when the operator leaves the board.
    • 2007, Cooperative Living - Volume 62, page 30:
      From green cars, motorboard commuting, to the Luxim microwave bulb — this site merges technology with environmental consciousness to get its own unique version of green-ology.
    • 2014, Tony Abbott, The Brain That Wouldn't Obey!, →ISBN:
      She roared toward King Spud on her Motorboard. “Here I come!”
  4. An outboard motor.
    • 1979, Gary Garbrecht, “MotorBoating”, in Outboard Power: How To, volume 143, number 4, page 174:
      If you think of an outboard motorboard as a lever, the propeller is the thrust point and the transom is the fulcrum.
    • 1987, Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark Office:
      A pump unit for a motorboard having a screw disposed in the water when the motorboat is in the water, the screw constituting a propeller for moving the boat along in the water and constituting an impeller when the pump unit claimed hereinbelow is applied thereto, the motorboat also having a structure mountin the screw, the axis of rotation of the screw determing a longitudinal direction extending fore and aft...
    • 2008, Daniel V. Gallery & ‎Robert Shenk, Playships of the World, →ISBN:
      She got in at 6 and around 7 I gave up in disgust and hired a motorboard boat.




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