

单词 Morganella



Morganella morganii (bacteria) on blood agar


From English Morgan (a surname) + -ella.

  • (bacterium): After British bacteriologist Harry de R. Morgan.
  • (insect genus): Authored by Theodore Dru Alison Cockerell in 1897, after Albert C. F. Morgan, the entomologist who first described Morganella longispina, the type species of Morganella, as Aspidiotus longispina in 1889.
  • (puffball fungus): After American botanist Andrew Price Morgan.
  • (fossil brachiopod): Authored by R. G. McKellar in 1970. Named for the Mount Morgan district in Queensland, Australia, where the type species Morganella maxwelli was found. The mountain was named for the Morgan brothers (Frederick, Edwin and Thomas) who developed a gold mine in the mountain in the 1880s. The type species was named in honour of G. W. H. Maxwell, who discovered and described the shell originally.

Proper noun

Morganella f

  1. A taxonomic genus within the family Enterobacteriaceae – certain bacteria including the type species Morganella morganii, a gram-negative bacterium that lives commensally in the intestinal tracts of reptiles and mammals, including humans.
  2. A taxonomic genus within the family Diaspididae – certain scale insects.
  3. A taxonomic genus within the family Agaricaceae – certain puffball fungi. Previously placed in the family Lycoperdaceae.
  4. A taxonomic genus within the family Araksalosiidae – certain fossil brachiopods of the Devonian period.


  • (bacterium): Prokaryota - superkingdom; Bacteria - kingdom; Negibacteria - subkingdom; Proteobacteria - phylum; Gammaproteobacteria - class; Enterobacterales - order; Enterobacteriaceae - family
  • (genus in Diaspididae): Eukaryota - superkingdom; Animalia - kingdom; Bilateria - subkingdom; Protostomia - infrakingdom; Ecdysozoa - superphylum; Arthropoda - phylum; Hexapoda - subphylum; Insecta - class; Pterygota - subclass; Neoptera - infraclass; Paraneoptera - superorder; Hemiptera - order; Sternorrhyncha - suborder; Coccoidea - superfamily; Diaspididae - family


  • (bacterium): Morganella morganii (type species), Morganella psychrotolerans (species)
  • (insect genus): Morganella acaciae, Morganella conspicua, Morganella cueroensis, Morganella longispina, Morganella polyctena, Morganella pseudospinigera, Morganella spinigera (species)
  • (puffball fungus): Morganella afra, Morganella albina, Morganella compacta, Morganella costaricensis, Morganella fuliginea, Morganella mexicana, Morganella puiggarii, Morganella purpurascens, Morganella pyriformis, Morganella samoensis, Morganella stercoraria, Morganella subincarnata, Morganella velutina (species)
  • (fossil brachiopod): Morganella maxwelli (species)

See also

  • Morganiella (fungus gnats)


  • (bacterium):
    • Morganella morganii on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
    • Morganella (Enterobacteriaceae) on Wikispecies.Wikispecies
    • Morganella on Wikimedia Commons.Wikimedia Commons
  • (insect genus):
    • Morganella (insect) on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
    • Morganella (Diaspididae) on Wikispecies.Wikispecies
    • Morgan, A. C. F., 1889. Observations on Coccidae (No. 5). Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 25: 349–353
    • Cockerell, T. D. A., 1897. The San Jose scale and its nearest allies. U. S. Department of Agriculture Division of Entomology, Technical Series 6
  • (puffball fungus):
    • Morganella (fungus) on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
    • Morganella (Lycoperdaceae) on Wikispecies.Wikispecies
  • (fossil brachiopod):
    • The Devonian productoid brachiopod faunas of Queensland. Publs geol. Surv. Qd, No. 342 1970: 17–19




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