reproductive organ
organ: reproductive organ
(抑扬顿挫) flowing rhythm
(投机贩子) scalper
(投标价) bid price
(抗日战争时期国民党统治下的西南、西北地区) the area under KMT rule during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression
(折叠留下的痕迹) crease; fold; wrinkle
(折磨) afflict; torment
(折磨) cause physical or mental suffering; get sb. down:
(抚摩) rub:
(抛弃) throw away; cast away; discard:
(抠) dig; scratch
(护士的旧称) nurse; hospital nurse
(报丧的通知) obituary (notice)
(报告得胜的消息) report a victory; announce a victory
(报复) retaliate; get one's own back:
(报答) repay a kindness; repay favours granted
(报答) repay; requite; reciprocate:
(报酬) recompense; reward; remunerate
(抵不上) be no match for; cannot compete with:
(抵押借款) borrow money on security
(抻成的面条) hand-pulled noodles
(抽头) take a percentage [cut] of the winnings in gambling
(抽芽) sprout; put forth buds; germinate; be budding
(担任剧务的人) stage manager
(担任庶务的人) a person in charge of business matters
(担任指导的人) technical adviser
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