

单词 monition



WOTD – 26 November 2011


From Anglo-Norman monicion, Middle French monicion, and their source, Latin monitiō (warning, admonition).


  • (UK) IPA(key): /məˈnɪʃn̩/
    • (file)


monition (plural monitions)

  1. A caution or warning. [from 14th c.]
    • 1663, Edward Waterhous [i.e., Edward Waterhouse], chapter XIV, in Fortescutus Illustratus; or A Commentary on that Nervous Treatise De Laudibus Legum Angliæ, Written by Sir John Fortescue Knight, [], London: [] Tho[mas] Roycroft for Thomas Dicas [], OCLC 316351399, page 214:
      For if the ſoul of man vvere emancipated by virtue, it vvould not need any regulation or monition, beſides that of its invvard Tribunal; vvhich becauſe ſin does uſurp upon, has ſome relief from thoſe extern adjuments.
    • 1820, [Charles Robert Maturin], Melmoth the Wanderer: A Tale. [], volume I, Edinburgh: [] Archibald Constable and Company, and Hurst, Robinson, and Co., [], OCLC 1202978654, page 191:
      I heard something of it, however, and, young as I was, could not help wondering how men who carried the worst passions of life into their retreat, could imagine that retreat was a refuge from the erosions of their evil tempers, the monitions of conscience, and the accusations of God.
    • 1890, Henry James, The Tragic Muse:
      He cherished the usual wise monitions, such as that one was not to make a fool of one's self and that one should not carry on one's technical experiments in public.
  2. A legal notification of something. [from 15th c.]
  3. A sign of impending danger; an omen. [from 15th c.]
    • 1839, Edgar Allan Poe, ‘William Wilson’:
      I recognise the first ambiguous monitions of the destiny which afterwards so fully overshadowed me.


  • (caution or warning): caution, exhortation, warning
  • monish
  • monishment
  • admonish
  • admonishment
  • admonition
  • commonition
  • foremonish
  • permonish
  • premonish
  • premonishment
  • premonition
  • submonish
  • submonition




monition f (plural monitions)

  1. monition

Further reading

  • monition”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.




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