

单词 mombin batard

mombin batard



mombin batard

  1. A deciduous shrub growing on Haiti, Trichilia hirta (red cedar).
    • 1966, Francis Huxley, The invisibles: Voodoo gods in Haiti, p. 56:
      Seven leaves of mombin bâtard and seven leaves of loupgarou must be picked with the same invocation.
    • 1985, Wade Davis, The Serpent and the Rainbow, Simon & Schuster, p. 78:
      Oris was stretched out in the shade of a mombin batard tree, resting on one elbow and gnawing on a stick of sugarcane.
    • 2008, Rene Philoctete, Massacre River, p. 231:
      Mombin (Spondias Mombin) is a kind of plum much prized in Haiti, and the mombin-batard (Trichilia Hirta) is the wild variety, a common Haitian tree whose leaves are believed to drive away evil spirits through purifying powers related to the plant's supposed African origin.




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