recessional moraine
moraine: recessional moraine
(24小时内降雪量在5.0毫米以上的雪) heavy snow
(X射线)荧光检查仪 fluoroscope;
(“非 ...不可”表示“一定”) must:
(一下子使出来的力气) a spurt of energy; dash:
(一个人) all alone; concerning one person only; a single person:
(一个挨一个地) one after another:
(一个方面) one section; one aspect:
(一个时期) a period of time:
(一个白天) one day:
(一人做诗词, 别人相应作答) one person writing a poem to which one or more other people reply, usu. using the same rhyme sequence
(一人) single-handed; all by oneself; all alone:
(一同) together:
(一头有柜子或抽屉的桌子) heavy-at-one-end; a desk with a cupboard or drawers at one end
(一套) a suit:
(一定的主张; 准主意) idea; fixed opinion; view
(一定; 肯定) certainly; surely:
(一定) definitely; certainly:
(一定) surely; certainly
(一定) will inevitably; be bound to:
(一年中开始写字) begin writing in a year
(一律; 刻板) uniform; stereotyped:
(一手抓起的数量) handful
(一排) row:
(一排) single file:
(一方问, 一方答) answer each question successively
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更新时间:2025/3/10 19:01:46