

单词 Micawber principle

Micawber principle



From the Dickens character Wilkins Micawber, noted for his inability to work his way out of poverty. Two of his enunciations have become elevated to "principles":

  • "Something will turn up."
  • "Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen pounds nineteen and six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds nought and six, result misery."


Micawber principle (plural Micawber principles)

  1. The claim that something good will turn up, especially when used to justify optimism.
    • 1863, "Mr. E. M. Grace", Baily's magazine of sports and pastimes (Dec. 1863) p. 208
      Acting on the Micawber principle of always expecting 'something to turn up,' he is ever on the watch, and the way that at times 'he gets to a catch' is wonderful.
    • 1887, Parliamentary Debates: New Zealand. Parliament. House of Representatives (Nov. 9, 1887) p. 282
      Now, the Colonial Treasurer proposes to deal with that deficit very much in the same way that private individuals deal with inconvenient liabilitiesthat is to say, by having recourse to paper, on the Micawber principle, with a "Thank God, that's done with!"
    • 1977, Avram Davidson, "Manatee Gal Ain't You Coming Out Tonight", The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (April 1977)
      The Micawber Principle was weaker down here than up in the capital. But still and all: something might turn up.
    • 2011, Anatole Kaletsky, Capitalism 4.0: The Birth of a New Economy in the Aftermath of Crisis (PublicAffairs, 2011) p. 29
      In such extreme conditions, the Micawber Principle that “something will turn up” to save the system is the only reasonable basis for action by businesses and investors, even if no one can predict exactly what deus ex machina will appear to save the day.
  2. The claim that financial surplus is success and debt is failure.
    • 1985, David A. Dyker, The Future of the Soviet Economic Planning System (Croom Helm, 1985)
      The Micawber principle is clearly basically an aspect of the crude growth maximisation approach. The underlying idea is that underfulfilment, even by a fraction, should be perceived as something essentially shameful.
    • 1992, Jack Rabin, Handbook of Public Budgeting (CRC Press, 1992) p. 57
      The Micawber principleit is not the level of income and outgo but their relationship that mattersis essential to budgeting.
    • 2012, Frank Trentmann, The Oxford Handbook of the History of Consumption (OUP, 2012) p. 35
      The Micawber Principle has value as financial advice, but as a historical argument it is deeply mistaken. Contra Micawber, income has not always placed an absolute, binding limit on consumption.




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