raffinate furnace
furnace: raffinate furnace
(厌恶) dislike; loathe; be disgusted with:
(厚脸皮) a thick-skinned person
(原先; 先前) originally; at first:
(原因; 来源) reason; cause
(原文) the main body of a book
(原由; 来由) the motive behind; cause:
(原谅) excuse; pardon; forgive:
(厨房中挑水、煮饭的人) mess cook
(参与; 干预) have [take] a hand in; poke one's nose into; meddle in:
(参与某事) have a hand in:
(参与) participate (in some activity):
(参与) take part in; get involved in:
(参加宴会) attend a banquet
(参加某一集团或派别的人) member of a clique or a reactionary political party
(参拜) pay homage to sb. (before his tomb or image)
(参考) refer to; read sth. for reference:
(及时) be in time for:
(双方) both parties; both sides:
(反动而隐晦的话) double talk; malicious words
(反复做某事) do sth. over and over again
(反复考虑) think about again and again; turn (sth.) over in one's mind; feverish:
(反对) oppose; counter:
(反说, 表示讥讽):
(反霸权) oppose hegemonism:
(发公文) send an official communication to other organizations
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更新时间:2025/3/10 5:50:57