

单词 mediciny




mediciny (comparative more mediciny, superlative most mediciny)

  1. Alternative form of mediciney
    • 1902, Cosmopolitan, page 521:
      Mr. Ezra lying so still in the bed and the room so dark, and the mediciny smell always there!
    • 1923, James J[oseph] Walsh, “Drug Cures”, in Cures; The Story of the Cures That Fail, New York, N.Y.; London: D. Appleton and Company, page 38:
      Fortunately all the really active ingredients were so diluted that the resulting compound was not likely to do harm or at most only infinitesimal harm, and it is easy to understand that this hodge-podge of drugs of all kinds had a thoroughgoing mediciny taste and in those days of the herbal preparations was sufficiently nauseous to make even the most hardened veteran taker of drugs feel that he was getting something for his money.
    • 2011, Jeremy F. Lewis, “Eric: Nothing Really Matters”, in Crossed: A Void City Novel, Pocket Books, →ISBN, page 327:
      A mediciny taste coated my mouth, which wasn’t all bad, because almost any taste is better than none.




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