

单词 mechanick




mechanick (plural mechanicks)

  1. Obsolete spelling of mechanic
    • 1732 CE, Bernard Mandeville, The Fable of the Bees or Private Vices, Publick Benefits; Volume I:
      The Farmer left his Plough, the Mechanick his Tools, the Merchant his Compting-house, and every body scorning to work, took his Pleasure and turn’d Gentleman. They thought they had reason to value themselves above all their Neighbours[…]
      In the mean time, let no Man be so weak or so wicked as to deny, that when poor Children cannot meet with Employment in any other honest Way, rather than suffer their tender Age to be spent in Idleness, or in learning the Arts of Lying and Swearing and Stealing, ’tis true Charity to Them and good Service done to our Country, to employ them in learning the Principles of Religion and Virtue, till their Age and Strength will enable them to become Servants in Families, or to be engag’d in Husbandry, or Manufacture, or any kind of Mechanick Trade or Laborious Employment; for to these laborious Employments are the Charity Children generally, if not always turn’d, as soon as they become capable of them[…]
    • 1744 CE, Thomas Salmon, Modern History or the Present State of all Nations; Volume I, The Present State of Proper India, Chapter XII, №. XIX, page #279:
      But to return to the marriages of the Jentoes, under which I comprehend all the ſects or caſts of Indian idolaters, they conſtantly marry in their own tribe or caſt, and they have as many ſeveral caſts as they have trades or profeſſions ; a merchant will not match into a mechanick tribe, or a mechanick into thoſe of a huſbandman or fiſherman.  Theſe have each other in as much abhorrence as they have Chriſtians ; but what is ſtranger ſtill, a mechanick of one trade will not match with a mechanick’s daughter of another ; a ſmith muſt not match into the carpenters or weavers caſt, or either of them into a ſmith’s, and ſo of every other trade[…]




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