

单词 match-four game

match-four game



match-four game (plural match-four games)

  1. (video games) Synonym of tile-matching game.
    • 2018, Eddy Webb, "Buy Gems to Woo Your Lover: Free-to-Play Narratives", in Narrative Tactics for Mobile and Social Games: Pocket-Sized Storytelling (ed. Toiya Kristen Finely), page 238:
      Like many match-four games of its ilk, Game of Drones offers plenty of opportunities to generate Bucks (the game's currency), which can be spent to purchase more lives, as well as items that help with particularly tricky puzzles.
    • 2021, Ramsey Hootman, Cyril in the Flesh, unnumbered page:
      He looks up from the recliner, where he's idly playing a match-four game on his phone. "What?"
    • 2021, Molly Fitz, Pet Whisperer P.I., unnumbered page:
      I puttered around on the computer for a while, mostly playing match-four games instead of actually doing anything that resembled work.




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