back the wrong horse
horse: back the wrong horse
(只说不做) merely chatter idly; mere empty talk; lip service; pay lip service (to)
(只顾) just; merely
(叫卖) cry one's wares:
(叫喊) ululate
(叫嚣; 喧嚷) clamour; hullabaloo; din:
(召开会议的地方) the site of a conference or meeting
(可乘的机会) chance; opportunity:
(可人意;使人满意) satisfactory; satisfying
(可以依靠的人或东西) sth. to fall back on; support; backing:
(可以凭藉的资历等) ability
(可以用来要挟的过失或错误) evidence that can be got hold of in lawsuits or arguments:
(可指望的来源) assured source:
(可欺骗) gullible; easily duped
(可能性很小的意外) contingency; eventuality:
(可能) probably:
(可能) probably; most likely; presumably:
(号角声) bugle call:
(吃一顿丰盛的饭菜) have a square meal
(吃夜宵儿) have a midnight snack
(吃点心; 点补) have a snack, refreshment, etc. to stave off hunger; have a bite
(吃素) be a vegetarian
(吃饭时备的各种菜) dishes at a meal
(各种产品、商品的等级) grade; class
(各种味道) all sorts of flavours
(各种困难) all difficulties:
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