pull aspect
aspect: pull aspect
(不公平) injustice; unfairness; unjust; uneven; wrong
(不兴旺) depressing state:
(不分轻重缓急, 一齐下手) try to tackle all problems at once regardless of their relative importance; fail to put first things first
(不剩下) do not leave behind; do not spare
(不加干涉) noninterference; laissez-faire:
(不加考虑) careless; slipshod; as one wishes; please oneself; in a slipshod way:
(不可以) won't do; must not; impermissible; undesirable:
(不可造就的人) a hopeless case; a good-for-nothing
(不合时宜) behind the times
(不同事物的分界) dividing line; threshold; ora; limits
(不同寻常的气味) peculiar smell:
(不同的种类) different kinds of animals and plants
(不吝惜) generous; liberal; unselfish; magnanimous:
(不周密) careless; not well-conceived
(不和睦) inharmonious
(不坏) not bad; pretty good
(不坏) passable; tolerable; so-so; not too bad:
(不坚持) become less intransigent; soften; relent:
(不声不响;悄悄) quiet:
(不外露) reserved
(不够) cannot be accomplished:
(不好受) feel bad; be upset; be vexed; be perturbed:
(不好听的话) unpleasant words:
(不好意思) unable to act impartially for fear of offending sb.; afraid of impairing personal relations:
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