

单词 Manchuria


See also: Manchúria


Alternative forms

  • (obsolete): Mansiouria, Mandschuria, Mantchuria, Mantchooria


Probably originally a backformation from Manchurian (of or relating to the Manchus), from Dutch Mansiourische, from Mansiouwer (a Manchu) + -isch (-ish: forming adjectives), possibly as a calque of Japanese 満州 (まんしゅう, Manshū, Manchuria; Manchurian).[1] Equivalent to New Latin and English Manchu + -ia, with the r added for ease of pronunciation[2] under the influence of names like Etruria, Liguria, &c. Cf. French Mandchourie, German Mandschurei, &c. Further popularized by Philipp von Siebold's early-19th-century Dutch translations of Japanese maps employing the term, replacing the earlier and vaguer Tartary, Eastern Tartary, Chinese Tartary, &c.


  • IPA(key): /mænˈt͡ʃʊəɹiə/

Proper noun


  1. The three provinces of Liaoning, Jilin, and Heilongjiang (and sometimes eastern Inner Mongolia) in northeastern China
    • 1950, L. Ron Hubbard, Dianetics, New Era Publications, published 1999, →ISBN, OCLC 59128428, page 9:
      The throbbing drum of the Goldi² medicine man serves in the stead of an adequate technique to alleviate the lack of serenity in patients.
      [...]2. Goldi: a people, traditionally hunters and fishermen, who inhabit the valley of the Amur River in southeastern Siberia and northeastern Manchuria (a region and former administrative division of northeast China).
    • 1951, Herbert Hoover, The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover, Years of Adventure 1874-1920, New York: Macmillan Company, OCLC 901053599, OL 10587103M, page 82:
      Mr. Moreing had gone to Manchuria to hunt tigers.
    • 1965, Harry S. Truman, MP2002-390 Former President Truman Recalls Stalin's Broken Agreement About the Port of Dairen, Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum, National Archives Identifier: 595162:
      Negotiating with Stalin was like dealing with an octopus. At Yalta it had been agreed that Dairen in China would be an open port that the Chinese could use. And now they were trying- it'd be under the control of the Chinese, that the Russians could use is what I intended to say. And, it was now an approach, by Stalin, that would have given him complete possession of that part of Manchuria. And that, I wasn't in favor of doing.[...]Dairen would be administered by the Chinese, as a Chinese port, but it would be a free port that everybody could use including the Russians.
    • 1976, John Israel, Donald W. Klein, Rebels and Bureaucrats: China's December 9ers, University of California Press, →ISBN, LCCN 74-18757, OCLC 832300406, pages 147-148:
      Popular mobilization was facilitated by strong anti-Japanese sentiment dating most immediately to 1931—many Shantungese had relatives in Manchuria.
    • 1982 September 5, “ROC deplores Japan's history revision”, in Free China Weekly, volume XXIII, number 35, ISSN 0016-0318, OCLC 1786626, page 2:
      Manchukuo was a puppet regime set un in Manchuria in 1931 by the Japanese imperialists in a plot to prepare for the invasion of China. The ROC has never recognized this action.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:Manchuria.
  2. (historical) The area traditionally inhabited by the Manchu people and their Jurchen predecessors, now divided between China ("Inner Manchuria") and Russia ("Outer Manchuria").
    • 1706, Evert Ysbrants Ides, Three Years Travels from Moscow Over-Land to China, thro' Great Ustiga, Siriania, Permia, Sibiria, Daour, Great Tartary, &c. to Peking:
      The Men, Women and young Girls, wear the same Habit as the Mansiourian Tartars in China.
    • 1848 January 10, Aaron H. Palmer, Memoir, Geographical, Political, and Commercial, on the Present state, productive resources, and capabilities for commerce, of Siberia, Manchuria, and the Asiatic islands of the Northern Pacific ocean, page 34:
      The east coast of Manchuria is generally high and rocky.
  3. (historical) Synonym of Manchukuo: a former puppet state of Imperial Japan.


  • (Northeastern China): Northeast, Inner Manchuria


  • Greater Manchuria
  • Inner Manchuria
  • Outer Manchuria
  • South Manchuria


  • (traditional area): Tartary (obsolete)



  1. OED.
  2. McCormack (1977), p. 4.
  • Manchurian, adj. and n.”, in OED Online , Oxford, Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press, 2000.
  • Manchuria, pn.”, in Lexico, Dictionary.com; Oxford University Press, 2019–2022.
  • Manchuria”, in Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary


Proper noun

Manchuria f

  1. Manchuria



  • IPA(key): /manˈt͡ʃuɾja/ [mãnʲˈt͡ʃu.ɾja]
  • Rhymes: -uɾja
  • Syllabification: Man‧chu‧ria

Proper noun

Manchuria f

  1. Manchuria
  • manchú




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