primary porosity
porosity: primary porosity
操作系统管理程序 operating system supervisor;
操作系统组成部分 monitor system components
操作系统结构 operating system configuration;
操作线 {化工} operating line; pilot wire;
操作线圈 operating coil;
操作结束检验灯 finish lamp;
操作继电器 operational relay;
操作编码组 command code group;
操作耗时控制器 time director;
操作能力 operational capacity;
操作臂 motion arm;
操作装置 {控} effector; handling device; operating equipment;
操作规模 scale of operation;
操作规程 instructions to attendants; operating duty [instruction; rules]; operation specifications; routine practice; service manual; working order; working specification; agendum (pl. agenda); instruction;
操作角度 {冶} work angle;
操作解码器 operation decoder;
操作计划 operation planning;
操作计时 function timing;
操作计时器 function timer;
操作记录 operation note; operating record;
操作评定 {工管} performance evaluation;
操作译码器 operation decoder;
操作误差 operate miss;
操作说明书 operating manual; run book;working instruction;
操作过电压 switching overvoltage;
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