

单词 Abiturient


See also: abiturient


Alternative forms

  • abiturient


Borrowed from German Abiturient, from Latin abiturire (wish to leave).[1]


  • (US) IPA(key): /æ.bit.u.ɹiˈɛnt/


Abiturient (plural Abiturienten or Abiturients)

  1. A pupil / student in the German education system who is taking, or who has taken and passed, the Abitur. [Mid 19th century.][1]
    • 1875, The Southern Review, volume 16, number 33, page 195:
      If we examine the statistics of the German Gymnasia, we shall find that an Abiturient very rarely leaves a Gymnasium so young as eighteen, [...]
    • 1900, Elbert Francis Baldwin, The Educational Value of the Social Side of Student Life, III, In Germany, in The Outlook, page 804:
      He is already an Abiturient, a graduate of a gymnasium, one who has completed enough preparatory studies to turn directly, if need be, to professional work, [...]
    • 1958, Journal of the Royal Institute of Chemistry, volume 82, page 528:
      (3) an Abiturient, minimum age 19, needs a practical course of ½ year and 2-2½ years at Chemieschule (day classes). An Abiturient is a student who has passed the matriculation examination after 9 years (8 in Austria) at secondary school.
    • 2000 February 22, "Peter Alfke" (username), "German Education", in soc.culture.german, Usenet:
      Well, obviously a bright kid, but: When he got his Abitur (final exam at the Gymnasium), he had already the German equivalent of a 2-year US college education behind him. Nobody in his/her right mind would compare a US high-school graduate with an Abiturient. There is a two-year difference. The US public school system goes for only 12 years, and starts one year earlier than the German one.

Usage notes

  • (German pupil): This noun is often used attributively, as in Abiturient examination.


  1. “Abiturient” in Lesley Brown, editor, The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, 5th edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN, page 5.



  • (file)


Abiturient m (genitive Abiturienten, plural Abiturienten, female Abiturientin)

  1. A pupil / student who is taking, or who has taken and passed, the Abitur. (male or of unspecified sex) (roughly, high-school graduate)



  • Maturand (Swiss)
  • Maturant (Austrian)
  • Studienberechtigter

Derived terms

  • Einser-Abiturient, Einserabiturient (person who has passed the Abitur with an A grade)
  • Abitur

Further reading

  • Abiturient in Duden online




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