

单词 lover-man




lover-man (plural lover-men)

  1. Alternative form of loverman
    • 1982, John Gordon, The Myth of the Monstrous Male, and Other Feminist Fables, page 70:
      ... the lover-men who want their bodies and the salesmen who want their money.
    • 2011, Michael Beloved, Uddhava Gita English, →ISBN:
      Piṅgalā said: “O, observe the extent of my fantasy, by which I desire the satisfaction of sexual cravings from insignificant lover-men, I am a person whose psyche is not under control, the fool that I am.
    • 2013, Sylvester Young, MORE THAN A GAME: A Story About Football and other Stuff, →ISBN:
      For example, he figured he could pass for a man of forty-five (with his teeth in); that he was a popular man around the town and that the pools win had made him more popular; that he had been a good and loving father to all his children, even Desmond; that his Austin Princess was a gal-magnet and that the powers of cow-cock soup had made him a formidable lover-man once again.
    • 2013, Samuel Penman, The Flea Circus, →ISBN, page 17:
      Always making notes to myself I am, but never reading the damn things back. Which is why I am always on the floor, my table of a waiter of a lover-man, mine.


  • Lomavren, manlover




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