

单词 Linwei


See also: línwēi and línwéi



From Mandarin 臨渭临渭.

Proper noun


  1. A district of Weinan, Shaanxi, China.
    • 2017 October 5, “China Focus: CPC practices active, full intra-party democracy to pick congress delegates”, in An, editor, Xinhua News Agency, archived from the original on 14 August 2020:
      Lei Bicao was happy to find out that one of the candidates she had recommended was elected as a delegate for the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC).
      Lei, who has been a Party member for 26 years in Linwei District in the city of Weinan in northwest China's Shaanxi Province, recalled clearly the recommendation process earlier this year.
    • 2022, Sha Yao, Li Guicang, transl., Cultural Expression and Subjectivity of Chinese Peasants, →ISBN, OCLC 1233268116, page :
      In 2005 the Bureau of Culture of Linwei District of the City of Weinan, sensing the importance attached by the central government to ICH, submitted an application package and succeeded in listing Huaxian shadow puppetry as a national ICH project in 2006.






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