poison hemlock
hemlock: poison hemlock
社会主义方向 socialist orientation;
社会主义模式 models for socialism;
社会主义民主 socialist democracy;
社会主义民主制度化、法律化 institutionalize and legalize socialist democracy;
社会主义民主和法制 socialist democracy and a socialist legal system;
社会主义法制 socialist legal system; socialist legality;
社会主义法律体系 system of socialist laws;
社会主义物质文明建设和精神文明建设 building of a socialist society that is advanced both materially, culturally and ideologically;
社会主义物资协作 socialist material cooperation;
社会主义现代化(建设) socialist modernization (drive);
社会主义现实主义 socialist realism;
社会主义生产关系 socialist relations of production;
社会主义的优越性 superiority of socialism;
社会主义的民族关系 socialist national relation;
社会主义社会 socialist society;
社会主义积极性 enthusiasm for socialism;
社会主义竞争 socialist competition;
社会主义竞赛奖金 socialist emulation bonus;
社会主义精神文明 socialist culture and ethics; socialist culture and ideology; socialist spiritual civilization; socialist ethics;
社会主义精神文明建设 build a socialist society with an advanced culture and ideology;
社会主义经济基础 socialist economic base;
社会主义经济总目标 general objective of a socialist economy;
社会主义觉悟 socialist consciousness;
社会主义计划经济 socialist planned economy;
社会主义道德 socialist ethics;
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