

单词 libertopian




Blend of libertarian + utopian.


libertopian (plural libertopians)

  1. (US, politics, derogatory) A libertarian.
    • 1998 September 4, T.Asquith, “Re: Booming Corporate Economy Brings Layoffs”, in talk.politics.libertarian, Usenet:
      I prefer to keep my feet on the ground and resist any attempt at change by either the libertopians or the utopian socialists.
    • 2000 August 23, John Merrall, “Re: How a Libertarian Capitalist Became a Libertarian Socialist”, in alt.politics.libertarian, Usenet:
      I see. So libertopians are in favour of government passing laws in favour of business. Figgers.
    • 2001 April 21, Scott Weiser, “Re: The GOP's Libertarian Problem”, in talk.politics.libertarian, Usenet:
      This tired old canard used ad nauseum that there is no such thing as"the people" or "the public" or "the public will" or "the public good" ie: the denial of any collective rights or collective powers or collective needs in a community, is merely ignorant denial of facts, usually done because any admission that a large group may have a good reason to impose it's collective will on an individual is anathema to libertopians.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:libertopian.
  • libertopia
  • libertopianism


libertopian (comparative more libertopian, superlative most libertopian)

  1. (US, politics, derogatory) Related to, characteristic of, or espousing (a utopian or critically flawed strain of) libertarianism.
    • 2004, James Hughes, Citizen Cyborg: Why Democratic Societies Must Respond to the Redesigned Human Future, page xviii:
      The present chaos and misery of societies without functioning governments show the absurdity of the libertopian fantasy of freedom from government: We can only be free, prosperous, equal and safe under effective, accountable government.
    • 2007, Wolf Devoon, Laissez Faire Law, page 200:
      In U.S. history, 'libertopian' socialist enclaves were founded repeatedly and failed every time. Equity requires abatement of nuisance, and greedy rotten capitalists (working class freemen) will get stuck with the bill for cleaning up ansoc disasters, food and shelter for survivors, environmental reclamation, etc. Pray that ansocs don't experiment with nuclear power. One Chernobyl was enough.
    • 2017, Ian Stoner, "Humans Should Not Colonize Mars", Journal of the American Philosophical Association, Volume 3, Issue 3, Fall 2017, page 339:
      The persistent nonexistence of a long-planned libertarian colony of seasteading rafts (Robinson 2014), to pick one example from the list of unexecuted libertopian schemes, []
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:libertopian.


  • libertopic




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