

单词 languist




language + -ist


languist (plural languists)

  1. (non-native speakers' English) Misconstruction of linguist.
    • 1999 April 16, ala...@my-dejanews.com, “Questions about Kemal Atatürk?”, in soc.culture.kurdish, Usenet, retrieved 2022-04-28:
      Many European languages are very close to each other. You can see many similarities between English and German. I also found similarities between kurdish and Polish, Rusian, French and even english. If I knew more European languages I would find more common things. A languist can figure out this very easily. I am not proud for What I am telling you but I just write the realities. here I only concern about realities and science. But you only concern about how to degrade kurdish. You are an idiot unti science.
    • 2001 October 8, Neal's Cat, “Final Post from MarsRules”, in alt.prophecies.nostradamus, Usenet, retrieved 2022-04-28:
      hi ! i'm neal's kat !
      i'm an excellent languist.
    • 2005 October 15, me, “The Truth about Hmong Culture.”, in soc.culture.hmong, Usenet, retrieved 2022-04-28:
      Somehow I do not believe that knowing Hmong culture or language is a prerequisite to being a scholar or learned person. Of course, I would expect a Hmong languist to speak Hmong at the level of expertise required at his level of training. However, I would not apply the same to a Hmong mathematician, physicist, doctor, or any professional whose area of expertise is unrelated to Hmong culture or language.




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