physical culture institute
institute: physical culture institute
(师傅的儿子中年龄比自己小的) the son of one's master (younger than oneself)
(师徒相传的学问、技术) knowledge or technique handed down by one's master
(希望事情成全) try to round sth. off; try to bring sth. to a satisfactory conclusion:
(希望) hope:
(希望) wish; like; want:
(希罕的事物) rare thing; rarity:
(帝王) the Emperor
(带兵者) a military officer
(带领; 携带) lead; take along; take with one; marshal
(带领) lead; guide
(帮别人说话) speak in support of sb.; echo sb.; back (sb. up); chime in with sb.; give vocal support:
(帮工的人) helper; journeymen; work assistant
(帷子) curtain
(常事) common occurrence; routine; all in the day's work; usual practice
(帽楦) hat block
(干什么) what to do:
(干部下放) transfer (cadres) to work at lower levels; transfer (cadres, etc.) to work at the grass-roots level or to do manual labour in the countryside or in a factory
(平安) safe and sound
(平常) ordinary; unimportant:
(平息) quell; pacify; suppress; put down:
(平时) everyday; week day
(年幼无知的儿童) ignorant children
(年幼无知) childish ignorance
(年成) harvest:
(年纪轻、阅历少的人) a young, inexperienced person; fledgling
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