

单词 kĩonje




  • IPA(key): /keɔ̀ᶮdʑɛ̀ꜜ/
As for Tonal Class, Benson (1964) classifies this term into Class 1 with a disyllabic stem, together with ndaka, and so on.
  • (Kiambu)
  • (Limuru) As for Tonal Class, Yukawa (1981) classifies this term into a group including cindano, huko, iburi, igego, igoti, ini (pl. mani), inooro, irigũ, irũa, iturubarĩ (pl. maturubarĩ), kĩbaata, kĩmũrĩ, kũgũrũ, mũciĩ, mũgeni, mũgũrũki, mũmbirarũ, mũndũ, mũri, mũthuuri, mwaki (fire), mwario (way of speaking), mbogoro, nda, ndaka, ndigiri, ngo, njagathi, njogu, nyondo (breast(s)), and so on.[1]


kĩonje class 7 (plural cionje)

  1. (derogatory)[2] disabled person, cripple[3]

Derived terms


  • kĩonje kĩrumaga mũhiũhia
  • mũtumia na kĩonje nĩ ũndũ ũmwe


  1. Yukawa, Yasutoshi (1981). "A Tentative Tonal Analysis of Kikuyu Nouns: A Study of Limuru Dialect." In Journal of Asian and African Studies, No. 22, 75123.
  2. International Commission of Jurists (Kenya Section) (2004). International Human Rights Standards: Reporting Obligations: Convention on the Rights of the Child, p. 47. Nairobi: The Kenyan Section of the International Commission of Jurists.
  3. Peterson, Derek R. (2012). Ethnic Patriotism and the East African Revival: A History of Dissent, c. 19351972, p. 244. New York: Cambridge University Press. →ISBN




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