


See also: Appendix:Variations of "ki"

Min Nan

For pronunciation and definitions of – see (“to record; to mark; to note; to keep in mind; remember; etc.”).
(This character, , is the Pe̍h-ōe-jī form of .)


Alternative forms

  • (nouns only) kỳ


  • (Hà Nội) IPA(key): [ki˨˩]
  • (Huế) IPA(key): [kɪj˦˩]
  • (Hồ Chí Minh City) IPA(key): [kɪj˨˩]

Etymology 1

Compare Proto-Katuic *giil ~ *ʔŋgiil (to rub) (whence Pacoh kil (to rub off or against dirt)).


  1. to rub off, to rub out
Derived terms
Derived terms
  • kì cọ

Etymology 2

Sino-Vietnamese word from (flag, banner).


  1. (only in compounds) flag, banner
Derived terms
  • Hoa Kì (花旗, United States of America)
  • Hợp chủng quốc Hoa Kì (United States of America)
  • Hợp chúng quốc Hoa Kì (United States of America)
  • kì hạm (旗艦, flagship)
  • kì học (旗學, vexillology)
  • quốc kì (國旗, national flag)

Etymology 3

Sino-Vietnamese word from (chess).


  1. (only in compounds) chess
Derived terms
  • kì phùng địch thủ (棋逢敵手, worthy opponent)
  • kì thủ (棋手, a board game player)

Etymology 4

Sino-Vietnamese word from (period, term).


  1. period, term, date
Derived terms
  • chu kì (周期, period; cycle; interval)
  • học kì (學期, semester)
  • kì nghỉ (holiday; vacation)
  • kì vọng (期望, expectation)
  • nhật kì (日期, date; day)
  • sơ kì (初期, first period; early stage; beginning)
  • thường kì (常期, regular; usual)
  • thời kì (時期, period of time)
  • định kì (定期, fixed; periodical; regular)


  1. until; till

Etymology 5

Sino-Vietnamese word from .


(phonemic reduplicative kì kì)

  1. (informal) strange; odd
  2. (informal) awkward or tacky
Derived terms
  • cầu kì (求奇, picky; fussy)
  • hiếu kì (好奇, curious; inquisitive)
  • kì cục:tl
  • kì lạ (strange; odd; weird)
  • kì công (奇功, extraordinary accomplishment)
  • kì cục (奇局, strange; odd; weird)
  • kì diệu (奇妙, wonderful)
  • kì quan (奇觀, a wonder)
  • kì quái (奇怪, bizarre; weird)
  • kì tích (奇跡, miracle; exploit)
  • kì vĩ (奇偉, grand)
  • kì ảo (奇幻, miraculous)

Etymology 6

Sino-Vietnamese word from .


  1. a capital city or citadel
  2. an area of land equal to 1,000 dặm (miles or leagues)
  3. a border [1]
Derived terms
  • Bắc Kì (北圻, Tonkin)
  • Nam Kì (南圻, Cochinchina)
  • Trung Kì (中圻, Annam)
  1. ”, in Từ điển Hán Nôm [Sino-Vietnamese Dictionary], archived from the original on {{{archivedate}}}, section Từ điển trích dẫn [Dictionary of Example Usage]




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