

单词 Kumbh Mela

Kumbh Mela


Alternative forms

  • Kumbha Mela

Proper noun

Kumbh Mela

  1. A Hindu festival, held every twelve years at four locations in India, at which pilgrims bathe in the Ganges and Jumna rivers for purification from sin.
    • 2005, Kartar Sing hBhalla, Let's Know Festivals of India, →ISBN, page 7:
      Kumbh Mela (The Pot Fair) is a sacred Hindu pilgrimage and a religious festival where millions of of sadhus, pilgrims, and devotees come for historical ritual bathing at four sites on the banks of Rivers Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati, Godavari and Shipra, considered sacrad.
    • 2010, Badri Narain, ‎Kedar Narain, ‎& Christopher N. Burchett, Kumbh Mela and the Sadhus: The Quest for Immortality, →ISBN:
      Kumbh Mela is the single largest religious congregation or, in fact, human gathering of any kind on Earth.
    • 2013, Tahir Shah, Three Essays: Cannibalism, The Kumbh Mela, The Legacy of Arab Science, →ISBN:
      Once every twelve years a great Kumbh Mela takes place, when the propitious timing is amplified many thousands of times over. And, in keeping with the lunar cycles, every twelfth great Kumbh Mela is the 'Maha' -- held ever 144 years.




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