

单词 penetrate
释义 penetratepenetrate[ˈpenitreit]vt.1.穿透, 刺入; 穿过; 透过2.识破, 看透, 看穿3.弥漫于; 扩散于4.(思想, 感情等)打动, 深入于5.进入敌区, 突破be penetrated with discontent深为不满penetrate the phenomena of things to study their essence透过事物现象研究其本质penetrate the mystery of揭示...的秘密The rain penetrated (through) our clothes.雨水湿透了我们的衣服。A smell of gunpowder penetrated the woods.森林中弥漫着火药味。
词性变化penetrate[ˈpenitreit]vi.1.透过, 刺入, 穿入(into, through, to)2.识破, 看穿3.渗透, 扩散, 弥漫4.打动[深入]人心Western ideas penetrate slowly through the East.西方观念逐渐传入东方。

继承用法penetrator[ˈpenitreitə]n.1.穿入者; 渗透者2.【军】侵入式飞机




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