part-time application
application: part-time application
not the only fish in the sea
not the only pebble on the beach
not think anything of
not to bat an eye
not to be able to do sth. for toffee
not to be able to see beyond one's nose
not to be compared with
not (to be) in the same street as[with]
not (to be)long for this world
not to be named on [in] the same day(with)
not to be sneezed at
not to be thought of
not (to)care a straw
not to care shucks
not to do, to say sth.
not to give a continental for
not (to) let the grass grow under one's feet
not to matter (a) sixpence
not to mention (=without mentioning)
not (to) mince matters
not to my knowledge
not to put too fine an edge upon it
not to say
not to speak of
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更新时间:2025/3/10 16:50:13