

单词 klubano




From klubo (club) + -ano (member).


  • IPA(key): [kluˈbano]
  • Rhymes: -ano
  • Hyphenation: klu‧ba‧no


klubano (accusative singular klubanon, plural klubanoj, accusative plural klubanojn)

  1. club member
    • 1906, Max Talmey, Practical and Theoretical Esperanto: A Handy Textbook for Beginners and Advanced Students, for Self-Instruction and Teaching Purposes, Containing Elementary Grammar Formation of Words, Complete Syntax and Exercises, page 87:
      Multaj anoj aliĝis al nia klubo en mallonga tempo; ni havas nun pli ol tridek klubanojn.
      Many members joined our club in a short time; we now have more than thirty club members.
    • 1969, “Esperanto Rondo Estaro”, in Vox Lycei 1968-1969, Ottawa, Ont.: The Students of the Lisgar Collegiate Institute, page 68:
      Klubanoj nun korespondas kun ge-Esperantistojen Nederlando, Cehslovakujo, kaj Hispanujo.
      Members now correspond with Esperantists in the Netherlands, Czechoslovakia, and Spain.
      (Translation from the same page.)
    • 2007, Ziko van Dijk, Informado praktike [Information in Practice], Antwerp: Flandra Esperanto-Ligo [Flemish Esperanto League], →ISBN, page 19:
      Subtenanto cetere povas esti ekzemple la frato de klubano, kiu gastigas eksterlandajn esperantistojn dum renkontiĝo.
      Moreover, a supporter can be, for example, the brother of a club member who hosts foreign Esperantists during a meeting.




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