

单词 amamitsapai




  • IPA(key): /aˌmaˈmi.t͡sa.paɪ/



  1. (transitive) he/she/it tricks, deceives, misleads (someone)
    [Itsautaku:] Yamukunaun aya autukene mapa. Atukutapai yamukunauntope. Iya tukene mapa. Hoona, ayiu! Pa, yamukunaun iya itsenu wi. Tika tika tika ... minyulitai!
    [Mukura:] Amamitsatai?
    [Itsautaku:] Ehen, amamitsatai. Minyulitai. Amamitsapai. Maka onuko. Maka akiyuntuapa. Tika tika tik … itsenu yamukunaun. Yamukunaun, aitsa uutapai. Aitsa uutapai okaintsityu han.
    [Itsautaku, elder, telling traditional story:] "Children, let's collect [wild] honey!" [She] invited all the children [of the village to come along]. [They] were going to collect honey. "All right, let's go!" [they said]. Well, all the children went with [the woman and her husband]. [The patter of their running feet was heard on the path:] tika tika tika. But [the seemingly light-hearted outing] was just a ploy! [It was just part of the plan.]
    [Itsautaku's daughter, Mukura, interjects:] [So she] was simply tricking [her husband]?
    [Itsautaku resumes:] Yes, [she] was just tricking [him] ... [it] was just a lie. [She] was deceiving [him]. So that [she] could kill [him]. So that [she] could get [her] revenge. Tika tika tika [went the patter of the children's feet]. [The] children who had accompanied [them]. [The] children did not know. [They] did not know what [the woman] was planning.


  • "Yamukunaun aya" uttered by Itsautaku, storyteller and elder, recounting the traditional Wauja tale of the "Man Who Drowned in Honey," in the presence of his adolescent son Mayuri, adult daughter Mukura, and others. Recorded in Piyulaga village by E. Ireland, December 1989, transcript pp. 24-25. In this part of the story, a woman is plotting to take revenge on her cruel husband, causing him to drown in honey, and be transformed into a large species of frog (Leptodactylus latrans).




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