

单词 just folks

just folks

See also: just-folks


Alternative forms

  • just plain folks, regular folks


  • (file)


just folks pl (plural only)

  1. (idiomatic, sometimes used as if singular) Ordinary, unpretentious people; an ordinary, unpretentious person.
    • 1913, Eleanor H. Porter, The Sunbridge Girls at Six Star Ranch, ch. 21:
      "You still think they come all boxed, sorted, and labeled, do you?" he said. "And that they aren't ‘just folks’ at all?"
      "Yes, I still think so. They never seem a bit like ‘folks’ to me. It's their business to sit up there stiff and solemn and stern."
    • 1999, John Updike, Bech at Bay, →ISBN, page 24:
      He was happy . . . to be going out to a restaurant without having to sign books or talk to students about Whitman and Melville. . . . Idolized Bech loved, at the end of a long day impersonating himself, being just folks.
    • 2005 Jan. 11, Ruth La Ferla, "What the First Lady Will Wear," New York Times (retrieved 4 Dec 2012):
      "She has gone from being just folks to being a bit imperial, assuming a bit more of a queenly role," said Ms. Allgor.
  2. (idiomatic, attributively, sometimes hyphenated) Unpretentious, informal, down-to-earth.
    • 1961, Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land, New York: Avon, OCLC 1036878670, page 43:
      Even his mussed cravat and cow licked hair had a "just folks" quality.
    • 2001 June 24, Margaret Carlson, "Shear Dismay," Time:
      George Bush's attempt at just-folks normalcy was undermined when he turned a blind eye to his chief of staff flying military jets to private appointments.
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