

单词 jingoistic



WOTD – 15 November 2017


jingo + -istic.


  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /ˌd͡ʒɪŋ.ɡəʊˈɪst.ɪk/
    • (file)
  • (General American) IPA(key): /ˌd͡ʒɪŋ.ɡoʊˈɪst.ɪk/
  • Rhymes: -ɪstɪk
  • Hyphenation: jin‧go‧ist‧ic


jingoistic (comparative more jingoistic, superlative most jingoistic)

  1. Overly patriotic or nationalistic, often with an element of favouring war or an aggressive foreign policy.
    My editorial angered both the jingoistic war hawks and the anti-war protesters.
    • 1915, Joseph McCabe, “The Responsibility of the Churches”, in The War and the Churches, London: Watts & Co. 17 Johnson's Court, Fleet Street, E.C., OCLC 44160030, page 22:
      The truth is that all classes—Christian and non-Christian—have yielded fatally to the pernicious interpretation which interested politicians, soldiers, manufacturers, and Jingoistic writers have put on the real economic needs of the country.
    • 1921 [1919], H. L. Mencken, chapter 14, in The American Language, 2nd edition, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, →ISBN, OCLC 801036993, § 2, page 86:
      All this jingoistic bombast, however, was directed toward defending, not so much the national vernacular as the national belles lettres.
    • 1982, “Replicating Systems Concepts: Self-replicating Lunar Factory and Demonstration”, in Robert A. Freitas, Jr., and William P. Gilbreath, editors, Advanced Automation for Space Missions [...] Proceedings of the 1980 NASA/ASEE Summer Study Sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the American Society for Engineering Education Held at the University of Santa Clara, Santa Clara, California, June 23 – August 29, 1980 (NASA Conference Publication; 2255), Washington, D.C.: National Aeronautics and Space Administration Scientific and Technical Information Branch, OCLC 704458371, page 244, column 2:
      If we continue to be limited to our exceedingly fragile existence on spaceship Earth, a natural disaster or our own jingoistic or ecological foolhardiness is almost certain to terminate our existence perhaps centuries or millenia[sic – meaning millennia] from today.
    • 2017 March 27, “The Observer view on triggering article 50: As Britain hurtles towards the precipice, truth and democracy are in short supply”, in The Observer, London, archived from the original on 17 May 2017:
      This approach plays fast and loose with ordinary people's livelihoods. Yet still, with jingoistic horns and trumpets drowning out the roar of the deep, the stampede towards the cliff's edge gathers pace.


  • hawkish


  • dovish
  • unjingoistic


  • chauvinistic, nationalistic, patriotic
  • aggressive, hostile; see also Thesaurus:combative

Derived terms

  • jingoistically
  • unjingoistic
  • by jingo
  • jingo
  • jingoish
  • jingoism
  • jingoist
  • jingoize


Further reading

  • jingoism on Wikipedia.Wikipedia




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