

单词 jebnąć




From jebać + -nąć.


  • IPA(key): /ˈjɛb.nɔɲt͡ɕ/
  • (file)
  • Rhymes: -ɛbnɔɲt͡ɕ
  • Syllabification: jeb‧nąć


jebnąć pf

  1. (transitive, vulgar) to hit, to punch someone
    Synonyms: see Thesaurus:bić
  2. (transitive, vulgar) to hit, to impact
  3. (transitive, vulgar) to steal
    Synonyms: see Thesaurus:kraść
  4. (transitive, vulgar) to say something stupid
  5. (transitive, vulgar) to throw
  6. (transitive, vulgar) to place
  7. (transitive, vulgar) to give up, quit
  8. (intransitive, vulgar) to appear in a sharp manner
  9. (transitive, vulgar) to eat
    Synonyms: see Thesaurus:jeść
  10. (transitive, vulgar) to drink
  11. (transitive, vulgar) to smoke
    Jebnę se jeszcze papierosa.I'm going to smoke another cigarette.
  12. (transitive, vulgar) to make
    Jebnij mi jeszcze zastrzyczek.Give me another small injection.
    Jebnęła se makijaż przed pójściem na imprezę.She dolled herself up before going to the party.
  13. (intransitive, vulgar) to break down
    Lina jebła!The rope broke!
  14. (intransitive, vulgar) to explode
  15. (intransitive, vulgar) to collapse, to tumble
  16. (intransitive, vulgar) to die
    Zenek jebnął na serce.Zenek died of a heart attack.
  17. (transitive, vulgar) to paralyze by an electric shock
  18. (transitive, vulgar) to say something out of the blue, suddenly
  19. (intransitive, vulgar) to finish suddenly
    Każdy czeka, kiedy ten system wreszcie jebnie.Everybody is waiting when tis system will finish.
  20. (reflexive, vulgar) to hit oneself, to hurt oneself
  21. (reflexive, vulgar) to make a mistake, to fuck up
    Nic mi nie wychodzi, musiałem się jebnąć gdzieś wcześniej w tym zadaniu.Nothing is coming out right, I must have fucked up somewhere earlier in this exercise.
  22. (reflexive, vulgar) to hit or hurt each other; to collide
  23. (reflexive, vulgar) to fall (e.g. on a bed, on a chair)
    Rozjebany jebnął się na krzesło.Being tired, he collapsed on the chair.


Further reading

  • jebnąć in Wielki słownik języka polskiego, Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN
  • jebnąć in Polish dictionaries at PWN




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