

单词 ipse




From Latin ipse.



  1. himself; herself; itself


Alternative forms

  • ipsus (ante-classical)


Compounded from Proto-Indo-European *éy and *swé.

In Old Latin when both parts were inflected, a glide consonant p was inserted in the form *eum-sum, yielding eum-p-sum. From these accusative forms the stems -pso and -psā were extracted and adapted to the nominative forms, thus ipsus and eapsa. Ultimately the paradigm was assimilated to that of iste, ille, with only later in the history of Latin neuter ipsum becoming ipsud.[1]


  • (Classical) IPA(key): /ˈip.se/, [ˈɪps̠ɛ]
  • (Ecclesiastical) IPA(key): /ˈip.se/, [ˈipse]
  • Hyphenation: ip‧se


ipse (feminine ipsa, neuter ipsum); demonstrative pronoun (pronominal)

  1. (emphatic) himself, herself, itself, the very, the actual
    • 8 CE, Ovid, Fasti 5.6:
      cōpiaque ipsa nocet
      and the very abundance [of choices] hurts
  2. in person
  3. for one's part, for his part, for her part
  4. alone, by oneself, by one's own accord, of one's own nature
  5. just (with an adverb of time)
    nunc ipsumjust now; at this very time
    tum ipsumjust now; at that very time
  6. exactly, precisely, just (with a numeral or for contrast)


Demonstrative pronoun (pronominal).

Case / GenderMasculineFeminineNeuterMasculineFeminineNeuter

It follows the pronominal declension

  • In Medieval Latin the neuter form ipsud (instead of ipsum) appears.

Coordinate terms

Derived terms

  • semetipse
  • ipsimus
  • rēapse
  • ipse dīxit
  • res ipsa loquitur, res loquitur ipsa

Derived terms

  • *ad ipsum
  • *eccum ipse
  • *metipse
  • *metipsimus


  • Aromanian: nãs, nãsã, is, isã
  • Catalan: eixe, eixa, eixos, eixes
    Eastern or Balearic: es, sa, es, ses[2]
  • Galician: ese, esa, iso, eses, esas, eis
  • Italian: esso, essa, essi, esse stesso, stessa
  • Old Franco-Provençal: eis, eissament
    • Franco-Provençal: pas n'eis (Terres Froides)
  • Old French: es, esse, is, en esse de
    • French: en esse de (regional, Eastern France)
    • Lorrain: èche de
  • Piedmontese: ës, s, , is
  • Portuguese: esse, essa, isso, esses, essas
  • Romanian: îns, însă, însăși, însele, însuși, înșiși [3]
  • Sardinian: issu; su
  • Spanish: ese, esa, eso, esos, esas


  • ipse”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • ipse in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette
  • Carl Meißner; Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
    • to penetrate into the heart of Greece: in ipsam or intimam Graeciam penetrare
    • (ambiguous) at the same moment that, precisely when: eo ipso tempore, cum; tum ipsum, cum
    • just at the critical moment: in ipso discrimine (articulo) temporis
    • extraneous causes: causae extrinsecus allatae (opp. in ipsa re positae)
    • at the critical moment: in ipso periculi discrimine
    • everyday experience tells us this: res ipsa, usus rerum (cotidie) docet
    • the very facts of the case show this: res ipsa docet
    • the matter speaks for itself: res ipsa (pro me apud te) loquitur
    • there is a flavour of Atticism about his discourse: ex illius orationibus ipsae Athenae redolent
    • this is as clear as daylight: hoc est luce (sole ipso) clarius
    • (ambiguous) at the same moment that, precisely when: eo ipso tempore, cum; tum ipsum, cum
    • (ambiguous) with this very object: ad id ipsum
    • (ambiguous) the circumstances are described in language worthy of them: rebus ipsis par est oratio
    • (ambiguous) to have self-control; to restrain oneself, master one's inclinations: sibi imperare or continere et coercere se ipsum
  • ipse in Ramminger, Johann (accessed 16 July 2016) Neulateinische Wortliste: Ein Wörterbuch des Lateinischen von Petrarca bis 1700, pre-publication website, 2005-2016
    • Palmer, L.R. (1906) The Latin Language, London, Faber and Faber
  1. Joan Veny (1986): "Els parlars catalans", ed Raixa, →ISBN
  2. "The Explanatory Dictionary of the Romanian Language (online version, ed. 2008)", http://dexonline.ro/lexem/%C3%AEnsu%C8%99i/28651




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