

单词 in piena regola

in piena regola



Literally, in full rule.

Prepositional phrase

in piena regola

  1. full-blown, outright, all-out
    • 2020, Barack Obama, chapter 26, in Chicca Galli; Paolo Lucca; Giuseppe Maugeri, transl., Una terra promessa [A Promised Land], Garzanti Libri:
      Quando se ne impossessò il Tea Party, durante il primo anno della mia presidenza, la storia era ormai diventata una teoria del complotto in piena regola...
      By the time the Tea Party seized on it during my first year in office, the tale had blossomed into a full-blown conspiracy theory...
      (literally, “When the Tea Party got hold of it, during the first year of my presidency, the story had now become a full-blown conspiracy theory...”)




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