move in on
move: move in on
(空中进犯之敌) an intruding enemy airman; air marauder
(空军) transfer; deployment
(空泛) superficial; unpractical; too abstract:
(空洞死板的文章) stereotyped writing
(空洞的头衔或荣誉) an empty title or honour
(空闲时间) free time; leisure:
(空间上的) gap:
(穿戴的盔甲) a suit of armour
(穿短装) be dressed in (a Chinese-style) jacket and trousers
(穿透) put through
(突出个人) push oneself to the front; push oneself forward; feel one is superior to others
(突出) stand out; outstanding; be conspicuous:
(突然中止) bring to a halt
(突然发生) break out; begin suddenly; erupt:
(突然醒悟) suddenly feel refreshed
(立刻) at once; immediately:
(立场) standpoint; stand:
(立秋后第一个庚日起到第二个庚日前一天) the first day of the last period of the hot season
(站稳) stand firmly on one's feet; keep one's feet:
(竞技体操项目之一) horizontal bar gymnastics
(章回小说或说书在最紧要、热闹时突然停顿的地方) a sudden break in a story (to create suspense)
(童工的劳动) child labour
(端庄安详) dignified and serene:
(笑声) a description of the sound of laughter
(笑时露出牙齿的样子) smiling broadly:
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