mo(u)lding chamber
chamber: mo(u)lding chamber
(故意挑毛病, 引起争吵) pick a quarrel
(故意表现出) pretend; put on:
(故意) intentionally; deliberately; on purpose:
(故意) intentionally; purposely
(故意) intentionally; purposely; deliberately:
(故障) trouble; mishap; breakdown:
(敌人的掌握) enemy hands:
(教唆; 煽动) abet; instigate; incite
(教师讲课) conduct a class; give a lesson:
(教育训戒) teach sb. a lesson; give sb. a talking-to; chide; lecture sb. (for wrongdoing, etc.); educate
(散文里间杂韵文的说唱文艺形式) storytelling interspersed with songs and ballads, popular in the Song Dynasty
(敬称对方的文集) your great works
(数字) numeral
(数目) number; amount
(数目, 一万个万) hundred million
(数量少或质量坏得不值一提) meagre; wretched; miserable; pitiful:
(整数后的零头) a little over; odd:
(整理蚕丝, 比喻管理国家政事) comb and arrange silk threads -- attend to state affairs
(整理) arrange; adjust
(整齐有条理) neat; orderly:
(整齐) in good order; neat; tidy:
(敷衍了事)do sth. perfunctorily; do sth. after a fashion:
(文人) cultured or refined person; the educated class
(文件批语) approved for distribution
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