

单词 háo


See also: hao, Hao, hào, Hào, hão, hāo, hǎo, and Hạo


Alternative forms

  • hao (nonstandard)


háo (hao2, Zhuyin ㄏㄠˊ)

  1. Hanyu Pinyin reading of .
  2. Hanyu Pinyin reading of .
  3. Hanyu Pinyin reading of .
  4. Hanyu Pinyin reading of .
  5. Hanyu Pinyin reading of .
  6. Hanyu Pinyin reading of .
  7. Hanyu Pinyin reading of .
  8. Hanyu Pinyin reading of .
  9. Hanyu Pinyin reading of .
  10. Hanyu Pinyin reading of .
  11. Hanyu Pinyin reading of .
  12. Hanyu Pinyin reading of .
  13. Hanyu Pinyin reading of .
  14. Hanyu Pinyin reading of .
  15. Hanyu Pinyin reading of .
  16. Hanyu Pinyin reading of .
  17. Hanyu Pinyin reading of .
  18. Hanyu Pinyin reading of .
  19. Hanyu Pinyin reading of .
  20. Hanyu Pinyin reading of .
  21. Hanyu Pinyin reading of .
  22. Hanyu Pinyin reading of .
  23. Hanyu Pinyin reading of .
  24. Hanyu Pinyin reading of .
  25. Hanyu Pinyin reading of .
  26. Hanyu Pinyin reading of .
  27. Hanyu Pinyin reading of 𠢕.



Non-Sino-Vietnamese reading of Chinese (SV: hiếu). This form is from the verbal (MC hɑuH, “to be fond of, to like”), while the reading hảo is from the adjectival (MC hɑuX, “good”). In term of phonetic development, although it is not considered "standard" Sino-Vietnamese, háo would be the expected Sino-Vietnamese reflex of the verbal form, not hiếu.

Compare (MC kɑuH), which has the regular reading cáo, while kiếu is non-SV.


  • (Hà Nội) IPA(key): [haːw˧˦]
  • (Huế) IPA(key): [haːw˨˩˦]
  • (Hồ Chí Minh City) IPA(key): [haːw˦˥]


háo (好, 𣉶)

  1. to crave (to want strongly)
    háo thắng/hiếu thắngcompetitive (literally, “hell-bent on winning”)
    háo sắc/hiếu sắcprone to chasing or hitting on women

Derived terms

Derived terms
  • háo hức
  • háo khí
  • háo nước
  • háo sắc
  • háo thắng

See also

  • háu
  • hiếu


  • hoá




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