

单词 algebraic extension

algebraic extension



algebraic extension (plural algebraic extensions)

  1. (algebra, field theory) A field extension L/K which is algebraic over K (i.e., is such that every element of L is a root of some (nonzero) polynomial with coefficients in K).
    • 1964, Shreeram Shankar Abhyankar, Local Analytic Geometry, Academic Press, page 200,
      What we now have to prove is that: if an overring of is such that is an integral domain, is integral over and the quotient field of is a finite algebraic extension of , then is a local ring and a finite -module.
    • 2005, Manuel Bronstein, Symbolic Integration I: Transcendental Functions, Springer, 2nd Edition, page 110,
      It turns out that when an irreducible polynomial splits in an algebraic extension, then the order at the new irreducible factors remains the same as before for arguments that are defined over the ground field.
    • 2013, Askold Khovanskii, Galois Theory, Coverings, and Riemann Surfaces, Springer, page 65,
      We describe the correspondence between subfields of the field that are algebraic extensions of the field and the subgroups of finite index of the fundamental group .

Usage notes

A field extension that contains elements that are not algebraic is called transcendental.

Further reading

  • Integral element on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
  • Galois extension on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
  • Separable extension on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
  • Normal extension on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
  • Field extension on Wikipedia.Wikipedia




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