

单词 horse piss

horse piss



In sense of lies or nonsense: by analogy with bullshit.


horse piss (uncountable)

  1. (vulgar) Urine from a horse.
    • 2001, Herbert J. Batt, Tales of Tibet: Sky Burials, Prayer Wheels, and Wind Horses, Rowman & Littlefield →ISBN, page 117
      "This rice wine tastes like horse piss," Tabei said in a loud voice. No reply. "Is it like horse piss or isn't it?" he demanded of the old man. "Horse piss? When I was young I drank it, put my mouth under the stallion's thing there. That's no lie.
    • 2014, Leo Kessler, Devil's Shield: SS Wotan's Desperate Defense of Aachen, Benchmark Publishing →ISBN
      'Peterstrasse,' he announced after a moment. 'Horse piss corner!' 'What?' 'Horse piss. Horse piss corner, we used tocallitin the old days. There was astable up here. On winter mornings, the horse piss used to come pouring in here by the litre , ...
    • 2009, Tabor Evans, Longarm 371: Longarm and Sierra Sue, Penguin →ISBN
      “Maybe you could,” Longarm said, “but I'm gonna soak 'em in whiskey and horse piss as soon as I have a drink and leave.” Her jaw dropped. “You're gonna soak your balls in whiskey and horse piss?” Longarm nodded. “Yep! That's an old ...
  2. (vulgar) Lies, untruths.
  3. (vulgar) Nonsense, gibberish.




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