

单词 hoc


See also: HoC and học



From Old Catalan hoc, from Latin hoc (this). Cognate with Occitan òc and partially with French oui.


  • (Balearic, Central, Valencian) IPA(key): /ˈɔk/



  1. (obsolete)yes (affirmation; commonly used to respond affirmatively to a question)



  1. The opposite of 'not'.
    Voleu venir amb nosaltres?Hoc vull venir!
    Do you want to come with us? – I do want to come.!

Usage notes

  • Hoc has largely fallen into disuse in favour of .


  • no


  • “hoc” in Diccionari normatiu valencià, Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua.
  • “hoc” in Diccionari català-valencià-balear, Antoni Maria Alcover and Francesc de Borja Moll, 1962.


Etymology 1

For *hod + -ce, from Proto-Italic *hod n sg (this) + *ke (here), from Proto-Indo-European *gʰe (discourse particle) + *ḱe (deictic particle).

Alternative forms

  • hocc, oc, occ


  • (Classical) IPA(key): /hok/, [hɔk]
  • (Ecclesiastical) IPA(key): /ok/, [ɔk]
  • Note: the final /k/ is always geminate if a vowel follows, e.g. hoc est [hɔk.kɛst]. Contrast hic, where the older prevocalic pronunciation had /k/, but a newer pronunciation, by analogy with the neuter hoc, had /kk/.



  1. nominative/accusative neuter singular of hic (this)
Derived terms
  • ecce hoc
  • per hoc
  • *eccum hoc
  • *hoc ille
  • As a pronoun:
    • Northern Gallo-Romance:
      • Old Franco-Provençal: o
        • Franco-Provençal: ho, o, ou
      • Oïl:
        • Old Bourbonnais-Berrichon: o
        • Old French: o (only in early texts)
        • Old Poitevin-Saintongeais: au, ou, o
          • Poitevin-Saintongeais: au, ou, zou
    • Southern Gallo-Romance:
      • Aragonese: hu, hue (Ribagorçan)
      • Catalan: ho
      • Old Occitan: o, ou, vo, va, ag, ac, ec, heg
        • Occitan: o, vo, va, ac, ec, at, a, zo
  • As an affirmative particle:
    • Northern Gallo-Romance:
      • ⇒ Old Franco-Provençal: dire que o (say 'yes')
      • Oïl:
        • Franc-Comtois: o
        • Lorrain: o
        • Old French: ne dire ne o ne non (say neither 'yes' nor 'no')
        • Poitevin-Saintongeais: vâou, gao
    • Southern Gallo-Romance:
      • Old Catalan: hoc, oc, hoch
        • Catalan: hoc ("indeed", adv.)
      • Old Occitan: oc
        • Occitan: òc


  • De Vaan, Michiel (2008), “hic, haec, hoc”, in Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 7), Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN, page 284
  • Sornicola, Rosanna. 2011. Per la storia dei dimostrativi romanzi: i tipi neutri [tso], [so], [ço], [tʃo] e la diacronia dei dimostrativi latini. Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 127. 1–80. §2.1.3.
  • Walther von Wartburg (1928–2002), “hŏc”, in Französisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch (in German), volume 4: G H I, page 441


  • (Classical) IPA(key): /hoːk/, [hoːk]
  • (Ecclesiastical) IPA(key): /ok/, [ɔk]



  1. ablative masculine/neuter singular of hic (this)
  2. (with a comparative, correlative of quod) for this reason, because of this
    • 106 BCE – 43 BCE, Cicero, Pro Fonteio 17.8:
      ...quō maius crīmen sit id quod ostendātur falsum, hōc maiōrem ab eō iniūriam fierī, quī id cōnfingat.
      ...the more serious the accusation which is shown to be false, the greater the offense committed by the fabricator.

Etymology 3

According to De Vaan (2008), from a masculine singular instrumental of Proto-Indo-European *gʰi-ḱe (this, here). Contrast Latin hūc, which is probably from the locative instead.


hōc (not comparable)

  1. hither, to this place
    Synonyms: hūc, hōrsum


  • De Vaan, Michiel (2008), “hic, haec, hoc”, in Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 7), Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN, page 284

Further reading

  • hoc”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • hoc”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • hoc in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette
  • Carl Meißner; Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
    • at this moment: hoc tempore
    • this is the inscription on his tomb..: sepulcro (Dat.) or in sepulcro hoc inscriptum est
    • this is quite another matter: hoc longe aliter, secus est
    • what am I to do with this fellow: quid huic homini (also hoc homine) faciam?
    • a wise man is in no way affected by this: hoc nihil ad sapientem pertinet
    • it is incompatible with the nature of a wise man; the wise are superior to such things: hoc in sapientem non cadit
    • to solace oneself with the thought..: hoc solacio frui, uti
    • I console myself with..: hoc (illo) solacio me consōlor
    • I blame this in you; I censure you for this: hoc in te reprehendo (not ob eam rem)
    • I abide by this opinion: illud, hoc teneo
    • this much is certain: hoc (not tantum) certum est
    • what is the meaning of this: quid hoc sibi vult?
    • what is the meaning of this: quid hoc rei est?
    • what he said made a deep impression on..: hoc verbum alte descendit in pectus alicuius
    • on this supposition, hypothesis: hoc posito
    • it follows from what we have shown: hoc probato consequens est
    • this goes to prove what I say: hoc est a (pro) me
    • we have agreed on this point: hoc convēnit inter nos
    • I agree with you there: hoc mihi tecum convēnit (Att. 6. 1. 14)
    • at this point the question arises: hoc loco exsistit quaestio, quaeritur
    • to translate freely: his fere verbis, hoc fere modo convertere, transferre
    • the word carere means..: vox, nomen carendi or simply carere hoc significat (Tusc. 1. 36. 88)
    • the word aemulatio is employed with two meanings, in a good and a bad sense: aemulatio dupliciter dicitur, ut et in laude et in vitio hoc nomen sit
    • this word is neuter: hoc vocabulum generis neutri (not neutrius) est)
    • this is a proverb among the Greeks: hoc est Graecis hominibus in proverbio
    • the book treats of friendship: hic liber est de amicitia (not agit) or hoc libro agitur de am.
    • our (not noster) author tells us at this point: scriptor hoc loco dicit
    • a letter, the tenor of which is..: litterae hoc exemplo (Att. 9. 6. 3)
    • this is a characteristic of virtue, it..: virtus hoc habet, ut...
    • I drink your health: propīno tibi hoc (poculum, salutem)
    • during this brilliant consulship: in hoc praeclaro consulatu
    • to use this example: ut hoc utar or afferam
    • I will only say this much..: tantum or unum illud or hoc dico
    • this can be said of..., applies to..: hoc dici potest de aliqua re
    • this can be said of..., applies to..: hoc cadit in aliquid
    • this can be said of..., applies to..: hoc transferri potest in aliquid
    • more of this another time: sed de hoc alias pluribus
    • there is this also to notice: atque etiam hoc animadvertendum est
    • let us leave that undecided: hoc in medio relinquamus
    • it is clear, evident: hoc in promptu est
    • it is clear, evident: hoc in aperto est
    • this is as clear as daylight: hoc est luce (sole ipso) clarius
    • that is self-evident, goes without saying: hoc facile intellegi potest
    • that is self-evident, goes without saying: hoc per se intellegitur
    • that is self-evident, goes without saying: hoc sua sponte appāret
    • but this is not to the point: sed hoc nihil (sane) ad rem

Old English

Etymology 1


Alternative forms

  • hocc


  • IPA(key): /xok/, [hok]


hoc m (nominative plural hoccas)

  1. marshmallow (plant)
  • cottuc
  • merscmealwe
  • hollyhock

Etymology 2

From Proto-West Germanic *hōk, from Proto-Germanic *hōkaz.

Alternative forms

  • hooc


  • IPA(key): /xoːk/, [hoːk]


hōc m

  1. angle, (of land): point
  2. hook
  • hook




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